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Delany Foundation

Making a difference in the lives of others

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Delany Foundation at a glance

Improving the human and spiritual condition of young people in need

Over 200 years ago Bishop Daniel Delany founded the Patrician Brothers at Tullow in Ireland to bring hope and opportunity into the lives of young people who were deprived of education. Inspired by Daniel Delany, the pioneer Brothers set about improving the human condition for children and youth whilst also helping them to grow in the knowledge and practice of their faith.

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Successive generations of Brothers have continued this service to humanity and Church for over 200 years. As a legacy to the Bicentenary celebrations of 2008, the Patrician Brothers and friends have created a ‘Delany Foundation’ to support the work of the Brothers in places of great need. No State or Government funding is available in the following settings where the Patrician mission is offering services to the local communities through: Education, Healthcare, Pastoral Ministry, and Food & Water.


Papua New Guinea

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"By performing the ordinary duties of your day well you will perfect yourself, and your day will be full of merit and good works."

Bishop Daniel Delany

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